Program schedule
Tuesday, 20.06.2023 | ||
13.00 | Welcome | |
13.15 | Invited Lecture Peter Gritzmann (Chair Andreas Brieden) "Diagrams, clustering, and coresets, and their application to the representation of polycrystals" |
14.00 - 14.50 | Session "Tree Problems" | |
"On syntactical graphs-of-words" Nabil Moncef Boukhatem, Davide Buscaldi, Leo Liberti (Ecole Polytechnique and Univ. Paris-Nord) |
"k-slow Burning: Complexity and Upper Bounds" Michaela Hiller, Arie M.C.A. Koster, Philipp Pabst (RWTH Aachen) |
14.50 | Coffee | |
15.20 - 17.25 | Session "Optimization" | |
"Exact approaches for the Connected Vertex Cover problem" Manuel Aprile (Univ. Padova) |
"Handling Sub-symmetry in Integer Programming using Activation Handlers" Christopher Hojny, Tom Verhoeff, Sten Wessel (TU Eindhoven) |
"Online Facility Location: comparing ad-hoc and MIP-based algorithms" Rosario Messana, Alberto Ceselli (Univ. Milano) |
"A Multivariate Complexity Analysis of the Generalized Noah’s Ark Problem" Christian Komusiewicz, Jannik Schestag (Univ. Marburg) |
"Managing Time Expanded Networks: The Strong Lift Problem" José-L. Figueroa, Alain Quilliot, Hélène Toussaint, Annegret Wagler (Univ. Clermont-Auvergne) |
17.45 | KHH-Summit Reception |
18.00 | KHH-Summit Talk "The Left Half and the Right Half of the Brain - Mathematics and Art" Karl-Heinrich Hofmann |
19.00 | Dinner |
Wednesday, 21.06.2023 | ||
9.00 | Invited Lecture Janny Leung (Chair Stefan Pickl) "Sports Scheduling" |
9.45-10.35 | Extended Abstracts | |
"Load Balancing: The Long Road from Theory to Practice" Sebastian Berndt, Max A. Deppert, Klaus Jansen, Lars Rohwedder (Univ. Lübeck, Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, Univ. Kiel, Univ. Maastricht) |
"Polyhedral Approaches for Stable Steiner Tree Problems" Alessandro Hill, Roberto Baldacci, Stefan Voß (California Polytech., Univ. Doha, Univ. Hamburg) |
"Approximation Ineffectiveness of a Tour-Untangling Heuristic" Bodo Manthey, Jesse van Rhijn (Univ. Twente) |
"Polynomial Approximation for Binary Nonlinear Programming" Luca Mencarelli, Sourour Elloumi (Univ. Pisa, ENSTA, CEDRIC) |
10.35 | Coffee | |
11.05-12.45 | Session "Graph Theory" | |
"The algorithmic complexity of the Paired Matching problem" Ruben F.A. Verhaegh (TU Eindhoven) |
"Edge Contraction and Forbidden Induced Subgraphs" Hany Ibrahim, Peter Tittmann (Univ. Appl. Sc. Mittweida) |
"Rigidity of frameworks on spheres" John Hewetson, Anthony Nixon (Lancaster Univ.) |
"Discrepancies of subtrees" Tarun Krishna, Peleg Michaeli, Michail Sarantis, Fenglin Wang, Yiqing Wang (CMU) |
12.45 | Lunch | |
13.45 | Invited Lecture Anne Remke (Chair Markus Siegle) "Optimizing different flavours of nondeterminism in hybrid automata with random clocks" |
14.30-14.55 | Extended Abstracts | |
"The Safe Set Problem on particular graph classes" Roberto Cordone, Davide Franchi (Univ. Milano) |
"Transformation Invariance in the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and Nowhere-Zero Points of Non-Singular Matrices" Uwe Schauz, Thomas Honold (Univ. Jiaotong-Liverpool and Univ. Zhejiang) |
14.55 | Coffee | |
15.15 | Excursion (Walking Shoes recommended) |
Thursday, 22.06.2023 | |
9.00 | Invited Lecture Maximilian Moll (Chair Elias Dahlhaus) "Exploring Solutions to the Interdiction Problem: Network Optimization in Operations Research, Machine Learning and Quantum Computing " |
9.45-10.35 | Extended Abstracts |
"A Very Large Neighbourhood Search approach to the Swath Segment Selection Problem" Roberto Cordone, Daniel Dissegna (Univ. Milano) |
"Hump Yard Sorting in one Humping Step - Minimizing the Number of Back-and-Forth Movements to form the Outbound Sequence" Elias Dahlhaus, Luka V. Sabljic (TU Darmstadt) |
"Production of Prefabricated Wall Elements: Flow Shop with Multi-Task Flexibility" Gaia Nicosia, Andrea Pacifici, Ulrich Pferschy, Cecilia Salvatore (Univ. Roma, Univ. Graz) |
"Pure and Mixed Stationary Nash Equilibria for Dynamic Positional Games on Graphs" Dmitrii Lozovanu, Stefan Pickl (Univ. Moldova and Univ. Bundeswehr München) |
10.35 | Coffee |
11.05-12.45 | Session "Machine Learning and Monte Carlo Methods" |
"Data-driven feasibility for the Resource Constraint Shortest Path Problem" Cristina Ondei, Alberto Ceselli, Marco Trubian (Univ. Milano) |
"Monte-Carlo Integration on a Union of Polytopes" Jonas Stübbe, Anne Remke (Univ. Münster) |
"On the Optimality Gap of Full Airport Slot Assignments: Capacity-limited Packing with Pareto Optimality Constraints" Andreas Brieden, Peter Gritzmann, Michael Ritter (Univ. Bundeswehr München and TU München) |
"Achieving Long-term Fairness in Submodular Maximization through Randomization" Shaojie Tang, Jing Yuan, Twumasi Mensah-Boateng (Univ. Texas and Univ. North Texas) |
12.45 | Closing Session |
13.00 | Lunch |