
We accept two types of papers:

  • Standard papers (from 8 to 12 pages including references and any appendix) that will be selected for publication in a volume of the AIRO Springer series. Please prepare your paper according to the LaTeX template .
  • Traditional CTW Extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) that will be published only on the workshop webpage. Authors will be given the opportunity of specifying whether they want their abstracts to appear online or not. Please prepare your extended abstract according to the CTW template.

The topic for both type of submission is “Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization”, i.e., theory and applications of discrete algorithms, graphs and combinatorial optimization in the wider sense. Examples of papers can be found in past conferences.

Standard papers not accepted will be allowed for submission as extended abstracts. Each submission should be uploded in PDF format via EquinOCS at the following submission website:

Standard papers accepted for publication on the AIRO Springer volume will be published only if presented at the conference.

Each accepted standard paper will appear in the AIRO Springer volume if a corresponding registration fee is paid (hence: two accepted standard papers require two registration fees, even if the same author presents them at the conference). On the other hand, authors may submit a standard paper and an extended abstract at the price of a single registration fee. If both papers are on the same topic or display overlapping text, and the standard paper is accepted, the extended abstract will be discarded in order to prevent copyright issues. If the standard paper and the extended abstract are on different topics and do not display overlapping text, and both are accepted, both will appear: the standard paper on the AIRO Springer volume (as long as a corresponding registration fee is paid), the extended abstract on the workshop webpage volume.

Finally, we will also publish a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics as a post-conference outlet.